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記者團隊 • 关注
眼里大比拼 能看懂几个
A: 梅菜扣肉
凡跟帖答对其他菜名者 加100DB
努力吧 这钱不大好挣 ♬
35.789 次赞
Donald J. Trump __ love this
Allan @Donald J. Trump Fake news!!!
Владимир Путин __ so nice
Barack Obama __ extra cool
Xi Jin Ping __ well done
Allan @Xi Jin Ping 你可长点心吧
Kim Jong Un __
Tsai Ing-wen __ What do we really need?
Allan @Tsai Ing-wen not me
Osama bin Laden __ اللهأكب ر
Allan @Osama bin Laden damn it . U still alive, man?!
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